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Porcelain-Lamina Crown Prosthesis (Leaf Porcelain)

Lamina teeth are porcelain prostheses that are adhered to the front surfaces of the teeth, giving them a natural tooth appearance. These are applications where we can treat problems such as discolouration, crowding, excessive gums, discoloured old fillings, interdental spaces (diastema). We can make minimal abrasions on the enamel, which is the top layer of the teeth, sometimes only with chemical roughening methods without abrasion.


Lamina tooth is the treatment option that causes the least damage to the teeth compared to other coating prostheses and the closest to the natural tooth appearance and the most aesthetic results. Porcelain lamina tooth application is a durable, long-lasting and stain-resistant option. When viewed from the outside, it is difficult to distinguish from natural teeth and therefore, it does not need to be applied to all teeth, it can be applied to a single tooth.


The life of leaf porcelain is quite long if our patients pay attention to their oral and dental health and hygiene. It is a treatment option that can be used for 10 years or more depending on the protection of tooth and gum health.

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How to Make Porcelain Lamina (Leaf Porcelain)?

Before the leaf porcelain tooth application, a special preliminary preparation is made for the patient's oral health. The teeth are thoroughly cleaned and made suitable for the subsequent procedures.


After the cleaning process, dental planning is carried out in detail. At this stage, the patient's oral structure, the size and appearance of the teeth are analysed. The dentist designs a natural smile in aesthetic harmony, taking into account the patient's expectations and wishes.


After planning, the patient is given an appointment for the second session. The second session is usually scheduled for a week later and the porcelain lamina process is started. At this stage, specially prepared porcelain veneers are applied one by one on each tooth. The dentist places the porcelain laminates precisely on the surface of the tooth and achieves an aesthetic result.


Aesthetic problems such as changes in tooth colour, crowding, gum problems and interdental gaps can be successfully eliminated with leaf porcelain application. Porcelain laminate application is a reliable aesthetic dental treatment option that aims to achieve a natural appearance without damaging the teeth with minimal abrasion processes.

How Long Does Leaf Porcelain Take?

  2. Since the dental veneering process usually consists of two stages, this can be considered as a long-term procedure. This period may be prolonged because special measurements are taken for the teeth. Porcelain lamina veneers usually take a few weeks, but this may vary depending on the intensity of the dentist, laboratory procedures and the patient's dental condition.

  3. The first stage usually includes a counselling and planning session. The dentist understands the patient's expectations, assesses the teeth, creates a treatment plan and takes special measurements of the teeth. These measurements are sent to the laboratory and the preparation of specially designed laminates begins. The second stage is the application of porcelain laminates to the teeth. At this stage, it is ensured that the laminates fit correctly and comply with aesthetic expectations.

  4. This process may vary depending on each patient's specific needs and treatment plan.

What is the Lifespan of Porcelain Lamina?

Leaf porcelains offer a long-lasting solution if patients take care of their oral and dental health. When attention is paid to tooth and gum health, the life of the leaf porcelain application can be quite long. In this case, leaf porcelain tooth life can be 10 years or more.

There are some important issues that those who have leaf porcelain should pay attention to after the treatment:

  1. Oral Hygiene: It is important to maintain good oral hygiene for the longevity of porcelain laminates. Brushing your teeth regularly, flossing and paying attention to oral hygiene with antiseptic mouthwash can help maintain the health of the laminates.

  2. Dental Check-ups: Regular dental check-ups help monitor the condition of porcelain laminates and detect potential problems early. It is important to go for check-ups at the intervals recommended by your dentist.

  3. Tooth Grinding (Bruxism) Control: Teeth grinding can cause damage to porcelain laminates. Therefore, if you have a teeth grinding problem, you should share this issue with your dentist and use a night plate if necessary.

  4. Avoid Hard and Abrasive Foods: Although porcelain laminates are durable, avoiding excessively hard or abrasive foods is important for their long life. Especially habits such as opening hard-shelled fruits with teeth should be avoided.

  5. Avoid Smoking and Other Harmful Habits: Smoking and other harmful habits can adversely affect the colour and durability of porcelain laminates. Avoiding such habits can help keep the laminates healthy and aesthetic for a long time.

Each case is unique, so it is important to take into account your dentist's recommendations for post-porcelain lamina care.

What Should Be Considered After Porcelain Lamina?

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