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Our Services

Paediatric Dentistry Treatments (Pedodontics)

Pedodontics, also known as Pediatric Dentistry, aims to protect the health of permanent and deciduous teeth of children between the ages of 0-14 and to treat diseases that occur. All necessary dental treatments are applied to children by paediatric dentists. Especially in dental treatments of children under 5 years of age, in special children with developmental retardation and in children whose treatment will take a long time, treatment is often performed with general anaesthesia.


Protection of children's dental health can be ensured by regular dental check-ups twice a year. During these checks, all kinds of problems that threaten dental and oral health can be detected. The aim of routine examinations is early diagnosis and treatment of problems. Early diagnosis in paediatric patients will positively affect the emotional and physical development of the child.


Milk teeth have many important functions such as chewing functions, aesthetic contributions, positioning the tongue in the right place, guiding the positioning of the tongue during swallowing, and ensuring the correct pronunciation of sounds. For this reason, caries in these teeth should be treated first and tooth loss should be prevented. Due to the loss of deciduous teeth at an early age, that is, before the fall, there are disorders in the permanent tooth alignment.

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What are Paediatric Dentistry (Pedodontics) Applications?

Pediatric Dentistry (Pedodontics) Practices include a series of special treatments in order to protect children's oral and dental health, follow their development and intervene in possible problems early:

Oral-Dental Care and Nutrition Recommendations: Recommendations are offered on oral care and proper nutrition to help children acquire healthy oral and dental habits.

Children's Prostheses: If necessary, prosthetics are applied to correct or support missing teeth in children.

Tooth Extraction: Tooth extraction is performed in children when necessary.

Protective and Preventive Applications Against Tooth Decay: Preventive measures are taken to prevent tooth decay by methods such as fluoride gel, fluoride varnish and fissure sealant applications.

Treatment of Dental Trauma: Treatment practices are carried out for dental traumas occurring in children.

Endodontic Treatments (Root Treatments, Amputations): Endodontic interventions such as root canal treatment are performed for teeth damaged as a result of decay or trauma.

Treatments to Stop Bad Oral Habits: Treatment methods are applied against bad habits such as thumb sucking, nail biting, lip biting.

Restorative Treatments (Fillings) in Milk and Young Permanent Teeth: Filling applications are performed for the treatment of cavities in milk teeth and young permanent teeth in children.

Space Maintainers: In case of missing teeth, space maintainers are used that do not affect tooth development and preserve the place of other teeth.

As Pediatric Dentistry practices, we offer a wide range of services to protect children's oral and dental health, to intervene in problems early and to inculcate healthy dental habits.

What is Fissure Sealant? What Does Fissure Application Do?

Microcracks on the chewing surfaces of the teeth can lead to the accumulation of food residues and caries formation over time. When the uncleaned residues are digested by bacteria, the resulting acids can dissolve the tooth enamel and cause caries. These micro cracks can be filled with a special adhesive before caries occurs and a protective measure can be taken. This process is called fissure sealant.


Fissure application is an application to close deep and decay-prone fissures on the chewing surfaces of the teeth. The main purpose is to prevent food accumulation and prevent bacteria from damaging the tooth enamel. Fissure sealant is a painless and anaesthesia-free procedure that takes 15-20 minutes for each tooth. It can significantly reduce caries formation in 1st molars, especially when applied in children aged 6-7 years. Therefore, fissure sealant stands out as an important procedure to protect dental health in children.


Fissure sealant applications prevent caries formation by creating a barrier against bacteria as well as closing the grooves on the chewing surfaces of permanent teeth. In order for this process to be effective, it is recommended to be checked regularly every 6 months, thus supporting a healthy tooth development process in children.

What is Fluorine Application? How is Fluorine Application Performed?

Fluorine is an important element that protects the health of teeth and increases their resistance to caries. When teeth first erupt, newly erupted teeth are generally more vulnerable to cavities due to the immaturity of the tooth enamel. Fluorine protects the teeth against acidic attacks by strengthening the tooth enamel and thus helps to prevent the formation of dental caries. Professional superficial fluoride application is a preventive method performed only by dentists and should be repeated every 6 months. After cleaning the tooth surface, a fluoride preparation in the form of gel or varnish is applied to the teeth, after which the teeth are dried and isolated from saliva. After the application, the patient should avoid certain foods for a certain period of time (1-2 hours). Fluoride application is carried out safely and without side effects in the clinical environment.

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